Hello everyone! As my time in Maryvale is coming to an end, I want to reflect on my experience in a creative and fun way by writing a poem. Enjoy!
Four Years in the Vale: A High School Experience
The castle, the red doors
The community, and more
My experience in Maryvale is something I am eternally grateful for
The lessons I’ve learned, the friendships I made
Something so dear to my heart that I will never trade
Spirit week, retreats
Community homeroom and gym meet
Marching to victory for the banner that we compete
Big sister, little sister, pins and rings
Taking each other under our wings
Blazers and skirts
Polos and sweatshirts
In these uniforms, we hold memories that never desert
In every teaching we took heed
To learn, lead, and indeed succeed
Caps, diplomas, and gowns
Echoes of cheers and sounds
Graduation day is filled with ups and no downs
As they say our names, we walk across the stage
With every step we take, we turn a new page
Our high school chapter is now closing
Throughout the Vale, we’ve been growing
In our hearts, a light is always glowing
We will encounter obstacles on our way
But with the sisterhood in us, we will be okay
I am so grateful that I chose to attend Maryvale Preparatory School. I have learned so many lessons that will help me not only in school but in life. I have formed friendships and I will always be grateful for the wonderful support system of the sisterhood. As I enter a new chapter, I will continue to take everything I have learned and apply it to my life.