Our middle school journalism elective worked on their interview skills by interviewing new faculty and staff here at Maryvale. Please join us at The Monthly Roar in welcoming all our wonderful new employees!
Interviews included: Mr. Martel, Mr. Bailey, Ms. Henson, Mrs. Gooder, Ms. Donahue, Ms. Ngururu, Senora Jarve, Mr. Binko, and Mrs. Weitzel!!
Mr. Martel’s Magic
By Chloe Apostol
Mr. Brian Martel is a new social studies teacher this year at Maryvale Preparatory School. He taught social studies at Notre Dame Preparatory School for 2 years before coming to Maryvale and before that he taught in the public school system for 28 years. He has liked his time at Maryvale so far because of the staff, the students, it’s very relaxed, and is a good community. Mr. Martel is moderating the Senior Sunshine Club at Maryvale. It is a club where students go out to senior centers and interact with the elderly, make cards for them, and hang out with them. Mr. Martel chose to teach social studies because he loves history and enjoys teaching about it. He likes to teach about what happened in the past and hopes we learn from mistakes made in history in the past. Mr. Martel says when he was in school he was always interested in his social studies classes. He said, “I always liked listening to the stories about great people and big events.” Mr. Martel said his favorite teacher growing up was Mr. McIntyre who he had in seventh grade and he described him as driving up to school on a big motorcycle with long hair and a mustache. He said Mr McIntyre made social studies really fun. In his spare time Mr. Martel likes to watch the Baltimore Ravens and Orioles games. He enjoys golfing and reading for fun or reading historical pieces of work. Mr Martel talked about Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech”, where he talked about how his children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their personality. He is hopeful our generation will help improve our country by studying hard, becoming leaders, because we really need it, and we need a new direction. He said, “You guys are the ones to do it.”
Meet Mr. Bailey
By Zoe Bloomer
I interviewed Mr. Bailey, a new 7th and 9th grade English teacher. He was previously at Loyola Blakefield. The reason he came to Maryvale was because his only child Nora Bailey goes to Maryvale and it made no sense for him to be at Loyola. Loyola was very different because the boys were not interested in books and all they talked about was sports. Sports were basically their whole life. Also, there was brotherhood instead of sisterhood. Next Mr. Bailey talked about the difference between girls and boys learning. He said, “Boys are reluctant to read, and never sing or dance, also they try not to look smart because it’s funny. For girls, class discussions are more lively, and more exciting for school. Coaching girls is easier and they take more feedback,”.
He explained to me that his favorite part about Maryvale was, “I love how the girls are always so excited to be here and I love my bosses”. He loves teaching English and talking about books. When he was younger he had good ELA teachers that made him want to read, so that made him love English. But being a teacher is hard, he exclaimed, “It is a lot of work, and grading, also it’s exhausting. But in the end it’s all worth it.” Finally I asked him why it is important to make learning fun. He answered saying that learning is how we grow and if learning feels like work we are not motivated. Also students learn better without stress. Mr. Bailey definitely follows this concept because he has many fun activities in his classroom that his class does daily. Overall, I loved interviewing him and hope he stays at Maryvale for a very long time.
Meet Ms. Henson
By Juliana Chance
A couple days ago I had the pleasure to meet Ms. Henson and ask her a few questions. Ms. Henson is the new counselor for high school. I asked her what her favorite part of being a counselor was and she right away replied: “I like to help people find their voice”. She has been a counselor for almost 20 years and her favorite hobby to do outside of school is to bake or be with her friends and family. She has taught a couple subjects including Leadership, Wellness and social emotional learning.
Since she is new to this school I asked her what it is like at a new school and she said: “ It is very exciting and different because it is my first time at a catholic school.” She has also been a counselor at several other schools. Her favorite quote or phrase is: “Treat others the way you want to be treated” and “Don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
Meet the Newest Maryvale French Teacher
by Marin Evelius
Today I interviewed Mrs. Kimberly Gooder, the newest French teacher for Maryvale. She had insightful answers to all my questions, and I felt I got to know her better. Mrs. Gooder’s favorite expression is “Le monde est ton huitre.” I believe this interview will highlight Mrs. Gooder has lived life true to her favorite quote, “the world is your oyster.”
Mrs. Gooder knew she always wanted to be a teacher. Initially, she took a job working for Conde Nast in New York City, where she grew up, for an exciting role working for magazines in the 1990s. She then discovered that she missed the energy of teaching, as those were her previous plans. She has had the opportunity to travel the world and has taught in schools in France, New York, and Salt Lake City. More recently, she has taught at Gilman, Grace and St. Peters School, and the School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. She loves working at Maryvale because she loves the joyful energy of the students and she loves being a part of such a fun environment. Mrs. Gooder shared that she loves French because of the opportunities it gives you and how you can watch movies in French and not get lost in translation. She describes her teaching style as joyful, fun, and effective. I can confirm this to be true because I’m lucky enough to be one of her students!
Mrs. Gooder loves to travel and shared with me that recently, she went to the Celebration for the 200th Anniversary of Lafayette’s Farewell Tour in the Mount Vernon section of Baltimore. Mrs. Gooder stated “I love learning about history, art and culture and when it is something I can bring back and share with my classes like this Lafayette event, that’s even better!” Mrs. Gooder is a lifelong sailor, loves to ski, and to read, especially on the beach or next to her two fluffy dogs.
Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Gooder to Maryvale – stop by and say “Bonjour!”
Interview With Ms. Donoghue
By Lainey Fusting
On 10/18/24 I interviewed Ms. Donoghue in Rodrigues 213. Ms. Donoghue has been working in college counseling for 20 years! She came from the Howard County school district. She also said she loves teaching at Maryvale. In her outside-of-school-life she has a dog (a pit bull) and two kids, one in college and one is a senior in high school. Also, Ms. Donoghue grew up in Philadelphia, so she is a big sports fan. She said she loves Maryvale because she loves being around all the girls, probably because she is a mom!
Meeting Miss N
By Natalie Grove
On October 16, 2024, I interviewed Miss Ngururu, AKA Miss N, A new teacher at Maryvale. This is Miss. N’s first year at Maryvale but not her first year teaching. Miss N used to teach in upstate New York as an out of classroom science teacher.
Miss, N stated: “I love that I get to meet new people every day and it has only been two months. I am always excited to learn new things about the school, like the culture and resources. I love Maryvale so far. It’s such a cool place. I am always looking forward to teaching new people science.” Her favorite part about Maryvale is the natural environment outside.
“I think the people are nicer here than my old school. Sometimes I am shocked by how nice people are here.” Ms. N told me. “It is a much slower pace than my last school. I do really like my 6th graders. This is also my first time teaching 6th and 8th grade in a classroom.”
“I have a cat named Shyama.” Miss. N said. “I named him that because it means black in another language.” I asked her what job she would have that is not science related and that doesn’t involve teaching, and she replied with “I would be an artist. You wouldn’t believe me but I actually like to draw very much! I like to figure draw the most though.”
Miss. N is a very delightful person who I enjoyed talking to very much!
Interview with Senora Jarve
Kennedy Ott
Senora Jarve is a 7th, 8th, and 9th Spanish teacher. Mrs. Jarve fell in love with the Maryvale community through her daughter. She believes that the girls shape Maryvale and always find a way to brighten her day. This is her first year teaching and she assures everyone that she will stay a teacher at Maryvale until she retires. Mrs. Jarve loves the other teachers, and how everyone is very helpful to one another. In the Spanish department, they always hang out and laugh together during lunch time. Mrs. Jarve thinks there is a lot behind being a teacher, such as getting materials, being organized and planning tests and quizzes. To her, teaching can be challenging, but she loves it. We talked about Hispanic Heritage month, which she believes is very important. Mrs. Jarve feels like it is important to remember your roots and where you come from. Senora Jarve states, “I don’t need a month to remember where I came from.” and “it is always with me”. She feels blessed to be a part of both America and Venezuela.
Mr Binko Math Teacher.
By Grace Pilarski
Mr Binko is a new math teacher here at Maryvale and I had the pleasure of interviewing him for The Monthly Roar. He was a delight to work with and talk to.
Did you know that Mr Binko’s favorite thing about math is that it is a “universal language” because everyone uses it! His favorite thing about teaching at Maryvale is how the students are the best and the whole school has such a positive vibe! And the food isn’t all that bad either! He’s been working at Maryvale for just a couple months after working for 34 years at Dulaney High School. He wanted to teach here because not only did he hear it was a wonderful place but also because the students here are the best! If he had to describe his teaching style he would say “Enthusiastic, Understanding and Competent!”.
Did you know teachers have a life outside of teaching? I know bazaar! Mr Binko says he enjoys playing the saxophone and a keyboard in a rock band! Growing up I asked him about his teachers and what he liked about them and he said “My favorite teacher in elementary school was Ms. Chilcoat because she loved to take us outside to do activities. My favorite high school teacher was Mr. Sipe who was the band director, and I loved playing the saxophone in the band!” A quote that inspires him was from Abraham Lincoln stating “Be sure to put your feet in the right place then stand firm!”. Mr Binko concluded our interview with this advice: “Be friendly and confident and don’t sweat the small stuff because after the fact it probably wasn’t a big deal after all!
Welcome Mrs. Weitzel!
By Margaret Smith
On October 18, 2024 I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Weitzel. She is part of the Theology department here at Maryvale. We met in her classroom in Bunting Hall and got right to work.
First we talked about her as a teacher and her teaching style. She has been a teacher for seven years. She taught at Our Lady of Mount Carmel before coming to Maryvale this year. She describes her teaching style as, “Organized chaos”. She loves to have a traditional lecture style while adding creative elements. She likes her students to make videos and be artistic, but also listening and taking notes. She likes to learn new methods and continues growing as a teacher.
Although this is Mrs. Weitzel first year at Maryvale, she loves how “Welcoming and Caring the Environment is”. She appreciates everyone’s desire to be here and their hunger to keep learning. She enjoys how all the students care about their education and the community. Mrs. Weitzel has been very happy since beginning here at Maryvale, so much so that other people have even noticed.
Mrs. Weitzel has many hobbies and interests outside the walls of her classroom here at Maryvale. She is a big “swiftie” and would love to get tickets to her tour, The Eras Tour. She is also currently in Grad School. Mrs. Weitzel enjoys hanging out with her Husband and daughter, Teagan. She is also a big fan of the Ravens and Orioles.
Mrs. Weitzel is such an easy teacher to talk to and I enjoyed this interview. This was a great opportunity to talk with one of my teachers outside of the classroom. Although I already knew Mrs. Weitzel from my old school, I was happy to get to know her even more. I hope she continues to enjoy Maryvale as much as I have!