As a small business owner, I know the significance of getting the word out about your small business. These articles will bring light to the small businesses around our school. If you would like to highlight your small business email me at [email protected]. We would love to have you share your amazing talent with the whole school.
I started helping my mom, Grandpa, and Grandma with their craft shows at a young age. I would help them stuff stuffed animals, pick colors, keep up with social media, and help around their booth. They always sewed, and my grandpa did stain glass, but after a while, I realized that sewing and stain glass was not my thing. I liked sparkly things and decorations for people like me. I figured out that I wanted to make my own things and wanted my own business.
I made my own business making earrings, keychains, garden sticks, coasters, and much more. I put a lot of thought into what I make and make everything unique and different so that everyone has something that fits them. I use resin, glass beads, metal, and repurposed items to make my products.
My first craft show was in 2023, and I did not do great I was there for two days and only made $200. I used that first craft show as a learning opportunity to change prices and to learn how to run a business successfully. Last summer, I did the same show and made over $500.
I have worked very hard to get my business rolling and would love for people to support small businesses around Maryvale.